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Tree Table Two
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Semi-evergreen   
Height: To 25 feet
Height: To 60 feet
Spread: To 25 feet
Spread: To 40 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Sandy well drained soil
Light: Partial shade
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments: Purple and red flowers in spring
Comments:  Good landscape and shade tree in well drained yards

Redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis)
Chinquapin Oak (Quercus muhlenbergii)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 25 feet
Height: To 75 feet
Spread: To 25 feet
Spread: To 75 feet
Growth: Moderate to fast
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Well drained soil
Light: Partial shade
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments:  Red to pink spring flowers
Comments:  Drought tolerant

"Bubba" Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis "Bubba")
Nuttall Oak (Quercus nuttallii)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 30 feet
Height: To 100 feet
Spread: To 30 feet
Spread: To  40 feet
Growth: Fast
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Well drained soil
Habitat: Moist acid soil   
Light: Full Sun
Light: Full Sun
Comments:  Dark purple bloom
Comments: Adapts to areas where water stands for extended periods of time better that Shumard or Texas Red oak.  Leaves turn red to orange in the fall.  Does best in Houston and East Texas markets

Basham's Party Pink Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Mexican White Oak (Quercus polymorpha)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Evergreen
Height: To 35 feet
Height: To 50 feet
Spread: To 30 feet
Spread: To 30 feet wide
Growth: Fast
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Performs well in alkaline soil
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Light: Full Sun
Comments:  Powdery mildew resistant. Light lavender-pink flowers
Comments: Blue green leaves.  Very drought tolerant

Muskogee Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Evergreen
Height: To 30 feet
Height: To 50 feet
Spread: To 20 feet
Spread: To 100 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Moderate
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Adaptable. Likes well drained soils
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Light: Sun to partial shade   
Comments:  Glossy green leaves and lavender-pink flower
Comments:  The ultimate shade tree due to its large spreading horizontal branches.

Natchez Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Cathedral Oak (Quercus virginiana SDLN P.P. #12,015)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Evergreen
Height: To 30 feet
Height: To 60 feet
Spread: To 20 feet

Spread: To 50 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Moderate
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Well drained soil
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments: Powdery mildew resistant.  Cinnamon Brown exfoliating bark. Pure white flowers
Drought tolerant

Red Rocket Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica 'Whit IV' PP)
Shumard Red Oak (Quercus shumardii)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 20 feet
Height: To 100 feet
Spread: To 15 feet
Spread: To 50 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Moist alkaline soil   
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Light: Full Sun to partial shade
Comments:  Powdery mildew resistant. Cherry red flowers in large clusters. New leaves open red to red-purple.
Comments:  Does best in eastern third of Texas market

Sarah's Favorite Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica)
Eve's Necklace (Sophora affinis)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 20 feet
Height: To 25 feet
Spread: To 15 feet
Spread: To 15 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Moderate to Fast
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Moist limestone soil
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Light: Full sun
Comments:  Powdery mildew resistant. Large white flowers.  Rich cinnamon dark brown bark
Comments:  Pinkish white flowers in drooping clusters in the spring. Known poisonous properties

Little Gem (Magnolia grandiflora)
Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora)
Leaves: Evergreen
Leaves: Evergreen
Height: To 20 feet
Height: To 25 feet
Spread: To 15 feet
Spread: To 20 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Slow
Habitat: Moist soil
Habitat: Limestone soil, sandy well drained soil
Light: Sun to partial shade
Light: Full sun
Comments:  Small leaves, brown underside.  Columnar form.  Prolific boomer
Comments:  Purple to lavender bloom.  Known poisonous properties

Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis)
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 40 feet
Height: To 100 feet
Spread: To 35 feet
Spread: To 35 feet
Growth: Moderate
Growth: Moderate
Habitat: Will adapt to a wide range of conditions
Habitat: Wet or well drained soils
Light: Full sun
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments: Orange /red fall color. Drought tolerant Pink flowers in the spring. Known poisonous properties
Comments:  Will develop "knees."  Upright.  Long- lived.

Mexican Sycamore (Plantanus mexicana)
Montezuma Cypress (Taxodium mucronatum)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Semi-evergreen
Height: To 80 feet
Height: To 60 feet
Spread: To 50 feet
Spread: To 30 feet
Growth:  Fast
Growth: Moderate
Habitat: Prefers moist soil.  Will adapt to broad range of conditions
Habitat: Wet Soils
Light: Sun to partial shade
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments:  More disease resistant than the American Sycamore. White exfoliating bark and large toothed leaves.
Comments:  Seeds from Stephen F. Austin University. Said to more drought and cold tolerant

Texas Red Oak (Quercus buckleyi)
Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia)
Leaves: Deciduous   
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 40 feet
Height: To 70 feet
Spread: To 25 feet
Spread: To 50 feet
Growth: Moderate to fast
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Limestone soil
Habitat: Prefers limestone soil and moist conditions.  Will adapt to a wide range of conditions.
Light: Sun to partial shade
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Comments:  Leaves turn bright red and orange in the fall.  Adapts well to more western arid habitat
Comments:  Very adaptable. Drought tolerant

Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
Lacebark Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
Leaves: Deciduous
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 75 feet
Height: To 60 feet
Spread: To 80 feet
Spread: To 45 feet
Growth: Slow to moderate
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Deep rich soil
Habitat: Extremely adaptable to alkaline soils
Light: Full Sun
Light: Sun to partial shade
Comments:  Drought tolerant
Comments:  Exfoliating bark. Drought tolerant

Lacey Oak (Quercus laceyi)
Mexican Buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa)
Leaves: Semi-evergreen
Leaves: Deciduous
Height: To 35 feet
Height: To 25 feet
Spread: To 30 feet
Spread: To 20 feet
Growth: Moderate/Slow
Growth: Fast
Habitat: Likes more alkaline soils and has minimal water needs
Habitat: Alkaline soil
Light: Full sun
Light: Full sun
Comments:  Very drought tolerant
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